Our Dream for The Planted

Our Dream for The Planted

Dreams come in different shapes and sizes.  For the Browns, The Planted is the dream of their lifetime (Learn more about the Browns here).  And through it, they hope to change the lives of families for generations to come.  And that’s certainly no small order.

How will The Planted live up to such a tall task? 

The answer: By focusing on “the little things.”

As it turns out, “the little things,” aren’t so little after all.  When caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget about or ignore your child’s simple request to help him or her build a giant tower, or brush off taking a few moments of quiet time for reflection in the morning.  However, it’s these small things that when neglected daily, will eventually form the canvas of our entire lives. 

The Planted will offer visitors the opportunity to reset, reflect, and recharge all while redirecting them to focus on what’s truly important—that is your family, finances, and health of all kinds.  And what’s more exciting than that?  The fact that God thinks they are important too!

The Planted will utilize its three branches, The Planted Life, The Planted Farm, and The Planted House: a Farm-to-Table Bed & Breakfast, to explore these ideals and create generational changes for its visitors and guests.  And what better place to do that than right here in Chapel Hill, North Carolina? 

Dreams come and dreams go, but the life you were designed to live will last an eternity!

The Planted–life, lived fully.